Friday, July 29, 2011

The Patio!

Since it's entirely too hot to do much more that combat the crab grass these days, I'll update on the patio project... IT'S FINISHED! Yay!

We used about 3" - 4" of gravel and 1" of sand as a base. Then I set 20"x20"x2" concrete pavers to finish. The real work was regrading the back yard and trying to grow new grass in the blazing Kentucky Summer. It looks aweful right now because all the baby grass burned up in the 100 degree heat even with watering twice a day at first. Some survived so, I might see something greener in a month or so when the temperatures drop. The following pics are in progress shots showing the construction process.

Final images to come when the weather breaks and I can clean up a bit.

Garden Share

I signed up for Garden Share yesterday... I guess it's facebook for gardeners. You can find me there at It's a good place to upload pictures.