Tuesday, May 31, 2011


OK, I am NOT an experienced gardener but I AM a fast learner. My background is in architecture and other more "controlled" fine arts. Last year, I began making attempts to take control of my yard and transform it into something more exciting than a square of grass behind the house. While I have dabbled in landscaping at several points in my youth (mostly as hired muscle) I haven't really attempted to understand the subtle art of gardening before. As with many of my hobbies, I inherited the seed from someone else. In the case of my garden, it was an unruly patch of Orange Day Lillies in the back and a solitary and very sad looking rose bush that had been run over with a lawn mower prior to my purchase of the house in 2004. This blog is intended to be my way of documenting and sharing the story of two normal people with a garden.

Let me introduce you to the yard...

This was the front of the house the day after Thanksgiving 2004 when I decided to buy it.

The original back yard.

The side yard between us and the neighbors' house.

Well, that's the way I got it. Not a lot going on. I'll be trying to bring this project up to speed quickly this week so I can get to what's going on now. But that's the introduction for now...